A dangerous and tropical landscape far away from downtown Manhattan, the London underground and the Madrid train stations that have been the locations of the first front in America and Europe. The Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia are all supposedly on the frontline in the war on terrors second front.

The volume authors – academics as well as development practitioners – describe civil society actors from across the world and various forms of transnational politics, displaying the complex and sometimes contradictory relations of power that are at play.relations of power that are at play. It also addresses how the space changes character with new global actors such as the BRICS countries, and with the waged War on Terror. This volume discusses the multifaceted character of global civil society, constituting a political space where a diversity of actors struggle over values and aims, and where power and resources are unequally distributed.

Others hold that global civil society actors are instruments in a neo-colonial exercise of power over the global South, serving Northern values and political or economic interests. What is global civil society, and what role does it play in world politics? Some see grassroots organizing transnationally, whereby marginalised groups pressure states and corporations towards increased democracy and respect for human rights.